Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Surprise! Happy Birthday!

Birthdays are fun ...Especially if it is a surprise... 
I was sent to hang out with a church friend...
I was taken on a wild goose chase...
Lets got here ...
Lets go there...
Lets go everywhere...
I was told that Phillip was planning a date for me...
I began to believe them...
A lunch planned with friends ...
That was only the beginning...
Take me home she said ...
Go play on one of my computers ...
I was told...
Now go home its 4pm... 
He is ready for you ...
I drive home... 
I sit at the corner and waited...
All these cars are at the house...
I think oh My God...
I go inside and 
He planned a Surprise a Party for me..
All of my friends..
Aww .. 
I had fun...
It was Cute...
I didn't think he could do that... 
But Thank You Baby...


  1. Well, I finally found your blog... I have been looking for it ever since you wrote down the link, but couldn't seem to find it. Awesome! I am so excited to see what God is doing in yours and Bro Phillips life!!!! May God bless you and your family.

  2. Hi Ariel:

    This is the blog I was telling you about http://www.mommyhobbies.com/. Thought you might like it because you guys do have somethings in common, and you both love running.

    See you at church!
